
Beckfoot Trust is an organisation that links a group of local Bradford schools together so that they can collectively improve the life chances for young people within their schools. Our aim is to create a group of truly remarkable schools each with a genuine comprehensive intake. They will be wonderful places for young people to learn and grow up in. We want to make a difference. We want to create something special.




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29th April 2022

Letter to Families - 29th April - Internal Remove Changes


Dear Parent/Carer,


Before the break I wrote to you about the changes to our internal remove rooms. This week we have explained these changes to students in assemblies.

From Tue 3rd May students who are removed from lessons due to their behaviour will be taken to an internal remove room. Whilst in internal remove the following expectations apply:

  • Place coats and bags in storage area provided
  • Hand over any mobile phone and place in box provided and sit where asked
  • Students will be given school issue headphones that must be used to access the learning
  • Log on to TEAMs and complete the work set for them (all work will be set from the Oak National Academy and will closely link to the lesson they have been removed from)
  • Complete all work in silence and in exercise books 
  • Return headphones and work at the end of their session
  • Leave the room at the end of the session when asked to.

Students will also be required to stay for 10 minutes of break/lunch or be required to stay 10 minutes after school if they are removed from lesson 5.

Students will be given a warning when behaviour falls short of these expectations and if they fail the session in the room, they will be issued a further serious sanction which could include a fixed term suspension.  

Obviously, we want students to maximise their learning in lessons with specialist teachers so hope that they do not need to access the internal remove rooms. The internal remove rooms are however set up for online curriculum delivery so that learning can and will continue.

I am sure you will want your child in school and in lessons on time every day as we know that this is the best place for them. We value your support in meeting and maintaining our high expectations as we know how much this can positively impact their future.

Finally, the tutor period is an essential part of our curriculum offers so can I take the opportunity to remind you that your child needs to be in their designated line up area with their tutor at 8.20am each day and that punctuality to school is very important.


Yours sincerely,


Liz Hart

Acting Headteacher

Link to Downloadable Letter

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