Welcome from the Headteacher
Welcome to Beckfoot Oakbank School
A huge welcome to Beckfoot Oakbank School. We are an 11-18 comprehensive school in the heart of Keighley in West Yorkshire. We are one of the 10 schools that make up the Beckfoot Trust which serves schools in the Primary, Special and Secondary phases across Bradford, all within a 20 minute drive of one another. We have 1600 students in Y7-13 from right across the community and it is them that makes this school a great place to come and work in every day.
We have a thriving Sixth Form with a wide range of academic and vocational courses on offer. Post 16 education is a real strength of our school and we have been given SSAT awards for the progress and outcomes of students in Year 13 year on year. We have many students from this community who go on to University, especially the Russell group Universities including Oxford and Cambridge. We also have our own designated Wave 4 Inclusion provision supporting students with SEMH (social, emotional and mental health) needs. Our staff and students named this the Captain Tom Moore Centre after Captain Sir Tom Moore gave us his written permission to do so. As an ex-pupil at the school our students really aspire to be and do the great things that he achieved in his life. We are from Keighley and we can and do, do it!
Our new school building opened in April 2018 and has provided our students and staff with a great place to learn and work. Our drama, dance, science, technology and sports facilities are fantastic. Come and have a look on our Annual Open Evening in September. Our students created the ‘student absolutes’ for our school to ensure that we all learn in the right way and know what is expected of us. We have staff and leadership ones too! Student leadership is exceptionally important and through the rewards, enrichment and aspirations programme we develop our students as leaders. In March they were involved in a multiple Trust conference about the pandemic and how it has affected young people’s lives. Personal Development is integral to everything that we do.
Liz Hart, Headteacher