Family Engagement
At Beckfoot Trust we are committed to remarkable family engagement. We understand at Beckfoot Oakbank that there are two essential ingredients to support our family engagement strategy.
- Respectful and trusting adult to adult relationships
- Great communication
We expect all our staff to display professionalism and unconditional positive regard.
As a big school we must work particularly on great communication. To support our communication strategy and to support parents, we have listed below pictures of key pastoral staff and included a box that explains why you might contact them.
If the staff listed below need to escalate the matter, they will do so to the Deputy Heads or the Headteacher.
Although your request may be for the Head to speak with you, in most cases your request will be delegated to another appropriately trained senior leader. In a large school of 1800 students, it is not always possible to meet with the Headteacher on request. SLT drop-in sessions, meeting the tutor and other events are an opportunity for you to meet the Head.
We will always return a general enquiry from families within 72 hours of receiving it.
If your call is about a serious safeguarding matter, someone will call you on the same day.
At Beckfoot Oakbank we have clear procedures and policies for referral for external support and assessment. Decisions around next steps to support all children are made at our weekly 'Team Around the School' meeting.
Who does what and why you might contact them?
Year Team Leader (YTL) or Assistant Year Team Leader (AYTL)
Year 7 YTL
Matthew Smith
Year 8 YTL
Nicola Farrar
Year 9 YTL
James Gill
Year 10 YTL
Linda Tomlinson-
Year 11 YTL
Lottie Rhodes
Year 7 AYTL
Lucy Cox
Year 8 AYTL
Neelam Rashid
Year 9 AYTL
Olivia Feather
Year 10 AYTL
Eleanor Lockwood
Year 11 AYTL
Hollie Regan
What they do?
- Every year group has a YTL and AYTL who oversees all aspects of the application of the behaviours protocol
- As they work with a year group, often YTLs have the full picture of your child
- YTLs and AYTLs may escalate a call to a senior leader if it is appropriate to do so
- YTLs and AYTLs will support the behaviour protocol and may pass a concern to the Associate Assistant Headteacher for the phase (see below)
Why might you call?
- If your child has any worries about school (including friendship issues and bullying)
- If there is something we should know that might impact on school
Associate Assistant Heads – Culture and Behaviour
Year 6 and 7
Chris Thacker
Year 8 and 9
Simon Clegg-Murtagh
Year 10 and 11
Lisa Ward
What they do?
- Members of the Senior Leadership
- Have significant experience in pastoral roles
- Qualified and experienced teachers, therefore, understand all manner of issues in relation to student learning
Why might you call?
- If you are concerned about your child’s academic progress or any aspect of the curriculum
- If you need support with a particular subject
- If you are concerned about option subjects
- If you need to escalate a concern, you have previously brought to the Year Team Leader
Assistant Headteacher – Behaviour and Inclusion |
Danielle Towler Inclusion (CTMC) |
What they do?
Why might you call?
Assistant Headteacher – Attendance |
Chris Phillips Attendance |
What they do?
Why might you call?
Assistant Headteacher – Safeguarding |
Tim Shearn Safeguarding |
What they do?
Why might you call?
Post 16 Leader |
Rachael Chang Post 16 Lead |
What they do?
Why might you call?
Deputy Headteachers
Chris Ray | Neil Moules | Surinder Wilkhu |
What they do?
- The most senior leaders who deputise for the Head in their absence
- Qualified teachers with significant senior leadership experience
- Are supported by other leaders in fulfilling their role
Why might you call?
- If you are unsatisfied with a response from an Assistant Head or need to escalate a matter that you feel has not been dealt with appropriately
Headteacher |
Liz Hart Headteacher |
What they do?
Why might you call?